We believe leadership matters
For almost 125 years a professional organization has existed for pastors in our movement of churches. The name has changed a few times throughout those years, but our commitment to encourage and equip pastors for ministry has remained at the heart of why we exist. Inspire exists to catalyze growth in our Fellowship and the local churches that belong to it by connecting, empowering and energizing their most important leaders: local pastors.
From Moses to John, God's mission of redemption has always been entrusted to humble human leaders. We know pastors aren't perfect; that's why we exist. Leaders need each other, and it's our job to make sure that every pastor in our family of churches has built sustaining, fruitful, inspiring relationships with those who are facing similar challenges.
Board Members - The board steers our organization and ensures that we keep inspiring pastors as the focus of all we do.
Regional Shepherds
These men are entrusted with the task of caring for our members. They serve as encouragers, counselors, and are a lifeline for struggling pastors.