Board Members

The board steers our organization and ensures that we keep inspiring pastors as the focus of all we do.

Doug BlackTreasurer-in-training

Doug Black


Tim Hodge

Tim Hodge

Mark LingenfelterPresident

Mark Lingenfelter


Jonathan CareySecretary

Jonathan Carey


Greg Howell

Greg Howell

Bud OlszewkiTreasurer

Bud Olszewki


Terry Daniels

Terry Daniels

Adam Johnson

Adam Johnson

Ed Short

Ed Short


Regional Shepherds

These men are entrusted with the task of caring for our members. They serve as encouragers, counselors, and are a lifeline for struggling pastors. 

Bob CombsNorth Central Ohio, North East Ohio, North West Ohio, Eastern Canada

Bob Combs

North Central Ohio, North East Ohio, North West Ohio, Eastern Canada

Dennis FayeChesapeake 

Dennis Faye


Larry HumberdNorthern Atlantic

Larry Humberd

Northern Atlantic

Doug CourterAllegheny, Blue Ridge, Mid-Atlantic

Doug Courter

Allegheny, Blue Ridge, Mid-Atlantic

Roy HalbergMountain Plains, SoCal-Arizona

Roy Halberg

Mountain Plains, SoCal-Arizona

Joel RichardsHawaii, NorCal

Joel Richards

Hawaii, NorCal

Larry EdwardsWest Penn

Larry Edwards

West Penn

Greg HowellArctic, Western Canada, Pacific Northwest

Greg Howell

Arctic, Western Canada, Pacific Northwest

Matt Wheelock Director of Regional ShepherdsFlorida, Southern, Heartland, Iowa Midlands, Tri-State

Matt Wheelock

Director of Regional Shepherds

Florida, Southern, Heartland, Iowa Midlands, Tri-State